
Showing posts from January, 2017

The Seven Tables of DDC System

  You already know that DDC consist of seven tables. For your detail information all of the tables and their mnemonic values are discussed in below: Table-1 : Standard Sub-division : The  notations of this tables are huge to express the point of view from and intend of huge of any subject field. The symbol are sub-divided from -01-09. Basically this notation are added to the base numbers by omitting the dash (-) to make a complite class number wherever necessary. whenever the notation or symbols of this table are added to any main class of the schedules it express the same meaning always. For Example: Manuals of Physics 530.202 Manuals of Social Science 302.02 (530 is main class & .0202 always implies as standard sub-division. 530= Physics, 300= Social Science) Here -0202 always imply the same things i.e. manual, which is mnemonic. Table-2 : Areas : The Notation of table 2 represent the geographical area of the world. The intend of the notation of t...