Kashim Ibrahim Library of ABU

History | Kashim Ibrahim Library

Established in 1962, the University Library System of Ahmadu Bello University comprises the Kashim Ibrahim Library (the main Library) and eleven other satellite libraries located in different campuses of the University.
The Library has a total holding of over 1.2 million volumes of books and 66,000 periodical titles. The University library has always been at the centre of research and scholarship playing a major role in acquiring, processing and lending library materials and responding to patrons inquires.
The library management in the past few years has been striving to upgrade the IT skills of the staff to enable them cope with challenges of the information age. Recently, thanks mostly to donations by the MacArthur Foundation and the Carnegie Corporation, rapid progress has been made not only in updating the collection, but also in automating the resources and services of the Library system.
Today, online and CD-ROM searches are a common feature among staff and students of the University. With a staff strength of 42 professionals and 109 para-professionals, 22 Senior and 102 Junior non-professional staff in the entire university library system, the library management is striving to upgrade the IT skills of the staff to enable them cope with challenges of the information age.
Our satellite libraries are:
The President Kennedy Library
The Law Library
The Centre for Islamic Legal Studies Library
The Institute for Agricultural Research Library
The National Animal Production Research Institute Library (NAPRI)
The National Agricultural Extension and Research Liaison Services Library (NAERLS)
The Medical Libraries (Clinical and Pre-Clinical)
The Lee T Railsback Library (Veterinary Medicine)
The Arewa House Library
The Division of Agricultural Colleges Library (DAC) The Samaru Public Library

Divisions| Research and Bibliographic Division


Research and Bibliographic Division

The Research and Bibliographic Services Division (RBSD) is in charge of Africana, Rare Books, Theses and Dissertations, Documents and Arabic Collections. All the resources in the division are on closed access for use of senior staff, postgraduate students and researchers.


Head of Division

T. M. Ndakotsu

Other Staff

Mr. T. M. Ndakotsu
Principal Librarian
Mr. A. D. Haruna
Chief Library Officer
Mrs. Maryam B. Yamusa
Librarian II

Divisions| Resource Development


Resource Development Divisions

The Division received 739 titles of 15,709 volumes of information resources from Sabre Foundation Incorporated, USA as donation. The Division also received reasonable number of information resources donated through the Ag. University Librarian’s office.

Head of Division

Name: Mr. Aliyu M. Maji
Rank: Ag Head of Devision

Other Staff

Mr. Aliyu M. Maji
Assistant Librarian
Mr. Muhammmad Nasir Umar
Mr. Ali Garba
Assistant Librarian

Divisions| Customer Service Division


Customer Service Division

The Customer Services Division (CSD) ensures speedy and effective clearance of members of the university community before disengagement with the institution and registere new library users admitted into the university.

Head of Division

J. A. Ochu

Other Staff

Alhaji Ibrahim Dogara
Librarian II
Mrs. Rhoda Goshie
Assistant Librarian
Mr. Aminu Yamusa
Assistant Librarian

Reference and Information Services Division (RISD)


Reference and Information Services Division (RISD)

The Reference and Information Services Division (RISD) is charged with the responsibility of assisting customers in their search for information in various subjects areas of the library and even outside the library using both the manual catalog and using the OPAC .


Head of Division

Name: Mrs Adiku, C.C.A
Rank: Principal Librarian
Phone: 070xxxxxxx
Email: xxxx@abu.edu.ng

Other Staff

Mrs. Maryam Yusuf
Librarian I
Mr. Yusuf Shuga
Assistant Librarian
Halilu Sani Shuaibu
Assistant Librarian
Okorie Joy
Library Officer

The Serials Management Division (SMD)


The Serials Management Division (SMD)

The Serials Management Division (SMD) receives process and organizes all serial publications donated or acquired by the library.

Head of Division

Mr. Bola Oluren

Other Staff

Mr. Bola Olure
Librarian II
Mrs. Sekinat T. Yusuf
Assistant Librarian
Mr. Mustafa Haruna
Assistant Librarian

Human Resource Development Division (HRDD)


Human Resource Development Division (HRDD)

Human Resource Development Division (HRDD) is the training wing of the library complex. The division handles the students on practical attachment from library schools all over the country. It also handles the staff development scheme for the library complex.

Head of Division

Mrs. R. A. Akobi

Other Staff

Mrs. E. I. Akobi
Principal Librarian
Mr. R. A. Ogala
Librarian II
Mrs. Hussaina Tanimu
Assistant Librarian

Divisions| Information and Communication Technology Division Division


Information and Communication Technology Division

Information and Communication Technology Division, during the period under review, the division engaged in the training of 181 staff, 201 Industrial training students and 72 Postgraduates students. On the 26th of June 145 librarians and faculty staff participated in the Elsevier Science Direct database training..

Head of Division

Mal. Aliyu Abdulkadir

Other Staff

Mr. Esew, Michael
Assistant Librarian
Mr. Aminu Umar Musa
Assistant Librarian
Mrs. Fidelia M. Whong
Assistant Librarian

Divisions| Media and Public Relations Division


Media and Public Relations Division

During the period under review, a total of 298 copies of the ABU Library Complex Bulletin were distributed to all divisions within the main library, satellite, faculty and departmental libraries. More so, Students from Library Science Department, from various library school come for orientation and a tour to the division. The division is also saddle with the responsibility of mentaining the library website


Head of Division

Name: Mr. Aminu Liman Shehi
Rank: Librarian II
Phone: 070xxxxxxx
E-mail: xxxxx@abu.edu.ng

Other Staff

Mr. Andrew Isibor
Assistant Librarian
Mr. John Oroko Andrew
Library Assistant
Mr. Abdullahi Hussaini
Library Assistant

Description: image

Welcome message

Kashim Ibrahim Library, A.B.U, Zaria, Established in 1962, comprises the Kashim Ibrahim Library (the main Library) and eleven other satellite libraries located in different campuses of the University. The University library has always been at the centre of research and scholarship playing a major role in acquiring, processing and lending library materials and responding to patrons inquires
Today the library system, operation, and services, are changing due to the advent of information communication technology. Therefore, this necessitates the library to maintain its quality for the system, operation and services to achieve both specific and general goals of the university library complex and university at large


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