
Showing posts from September, 2017

Time to Tell Kanu the Truth

By . | Publish Date: Sep 17 2017 2:10AM   The misplaced ambition of 50-year-old, white bearded Nwannekaenyi  Nnamdi  Kenny Okwu Kanu to repair the walls of dated ‘Republic of Biafra’, has cast the South-East into a dangerous arena in a dance with metaphorical python.  The Nigerian-British citizen, applying baseless sophistry, has hypnotised thousands of youths in the South-East, making them to imagine a paradise in an amorphous Biafra, which would be attained after an apocalyptic, bloody confrontation with the Nigerian military. Under this influence, they are oblivious of the reality that the South-East remains an integral part of the Nigerian State, hence their hare-brained, incautious and devil-may-care attempt to challenge  the Nigeria military’s ‘Operation Python Dance’ in Abia State last week. Since the launch of ‘Voice of Biafra,’ also called Radio Biafra on July 14, 2015 when Kanu took his seditious steps, the majority of Nigerians of Igbo extraction kept seal

Body Language :: Pointing gestures

Open Formation Gesture People in most English speaking countries stand with their bodies oriented to form an angle of 90 degrees during ordinary social intercourse. The two men in are displaying similar status by holding similar gestures and posture and the angle formed by their torsos indicates that an impersonal conversation is probably taking place. The formation of the triangle invites a third person of similar status to join the conversation. When a fourth person is accepted into the group a square will be formed and for a fifth person, either a circle or two triangles. Closed Formation Gesture When intimacy or privacy is required by two people, the angle formed by their torsos decreases from 90 degrees down to 0 degrees. A man wishing to attract a female partner uses this ploy, as well as other courtship gestures, when he makes his play for her. To accept his approach , she need only orient her torso angle to 0 degrees and allow him to enter her terri

Body Language :: Body lowering gestures

Body Lowering Gestures Historically, lowering the height of one's body in front of another person has been used as a means of establishing superior/subordinate relationships. We refer to a member of Royalty as ' Your Highness ', whereas individuals who commit unsavoury acts are called 'low'. Let us examine the non-verbal aspects of the situation in which you have been speeding in your car and are stopped by the policeman . In the situation, 1.) The policeman approaches your vehicle , and a driver's usual reaction is to remain in the car, wind the window down and make excuses for having exceeded the speed limit. 2.) By remaining in your car, you create a barrier between yourself and the policeman . 3.) Under these circumstances the police officer is obviously in a superior position to you , this type of behaviour only serves to make things go from bad to worse and your chances of being booked are increased. Instead, try this if you are fla

Body Language :: Mirror image gestures

Copying the other person gestures This ' carbon copying ' is a means by which one person tells the other that he is in agreement with his ideas and attitudes. By this method, one is non-verbally saying to the other, 'As you can see, I think the same as you, so I will copy your posture and gestures.' If an employer wishes to develop an immediate rapport and create a relaxed atmosphere with an employee, he need only copy the employee's posture to achieve this end. Similarly, an up-and-coming employee may be seen copying his boss's gestures in an attempt to show agreement. Using this knowledge, it is possible to influence a face-to-face encounter by copying the positive gestures and postures of the other person. This has the effect of putting the other person in a receptive and relaxed frame of mind, as he can 'see' that you understand his point of view.  Source:

Body Language :: Ownership gestures

Territorial Gestures People lean against other people or objects to show a territorial claim to that object or person. Leaning can also be used as a method, of dominance or intimidation when the object being leaned on belongs to someone else. For example , if you are going to take a photograph of a friend and his new car, boat, home or other personal belonging, you will inevitably find that he leans against his newly acquired property, putting his foot on it or his arm around it. When he touches the property, it becomes an extension of his body and in this way he shows others that it belongs to him. Ownership Gestures The position person in the chair reflects an easygoing, relaxed and carefree attitude, because that is in fact what it is. The leg-overchair gesture not only signifies the man's ownership of that particular chair or space, but also signals that customary etiquettes may be relaxed. If the boss's chair has no arms (which is unlike

Body Language :: Cigars and glasses gestures

Cigarette Smokers Gestures Smoke up gesture - A person who is feeling positive, superior or confident will blow the smoke in an upward direction most of the time. Smoke down gesture - A person in a negative, secretive or suspicious frame of mind will blow the smoke down most of the time. Blowing down and from the corner of the mouth indicates an even more negative or secretive attitude. This, of course, assumes that the smoker is not blowing the smoke upwards to avoid offending others. In that case, he could have blown the smoke in either direction. Gestures with glasses The glasses-in-mouth gesture can be used to stall or delay a decision. In negotiating, it has been found that this gesture appears most frequently at the close of the discussion when the person has been asked for a decision. The act of continually taking the glasses off and cleaning the lenses is another method used by glasses wearers to gain time for a decision. When this gesture is

Body Language :: Courtship signal gestures

Male Courtship signals The male displays preening behaviour as the female approaches. In addition to the automatic physiological reactions already mentioned, he will reach for his throat and straighten his tie. If he is not wearing a tie, he may smooth his collar or brush imaginary dust from his shoulder and rearrange cufflinks, shirt, coat and other clothing. He may also preen himself by smoothing his hair. The most aggressive sexual display he can make towards the female is the aggressive thumbs-in-belt gesture that highlights his genital region. He may also turn his body towards her and point his foot at her. Female Courtship signals Women use most of the same basic preening gestures as men, including touching the hair, smoothing the clothing, one or both hands on hips, foot and body pointing towards the male, extended intimate gaze and increasing eye contact. They also adopt the thumbs-in-belt gesture which, although it is a male aggression gesture

Body Language :: Eye signal gestures

Controlling a person's gaze When you are giving him a visual presentation using books, charts, graphs and so on. Research shows that of the information relayed to a person's brain, 87 per cent comes via the eyes, 9 percent via the ears, and 4 per cent via the other senses. To maintain maximum control of his gaze, use a pen or pointer to point to the visual aid and at the same time verbalise what he sees. Next, lift the pen from the visual aid and hold it between his eyes and your own eyes. This has the magnetic effect of lifting his head so that he is looking at your eyes and now he sees and hears what you are saying, thus achieving maximum absorption of your message.  Source:

Body Language :: Popular gestures and actions

Head Gestures Neutral Head Position - The position taken by the person who has a neutral attitude about what he is hearing. The head usually remains still and may occasionally give small nods. Interested Head Position - When the head tilts to one side it shows that interest has developed. Disapproval Head Position - When the head is down, it signals that the attitude is negative and even judgmental. Critical evaluation clusters are normally made with the head down and, unless you can get the person's head up or tilted, you may have a communication problem. Both Hands Behind Head This gesture is typical of such professionals as accountants, lawyers, sales managers, bank managers or people who are feeling confident, dominant, or superior about something. It is also a gesture used by the 'know-it-all' individual and many people find it irritating when someone does it to them. Readiness Gestures The individual is seen standing with the hands

Body Language :: Leg barriers gestures

Standard Leg-Cross Position One leg is crossed neatly over the other, usually the right over the left. This is the normal crossed-leg position used by European, British, Australian and New Zealand cultures and may be used to show a nervous, reserved or defensive attitude. For example , people often sit like this during lectures or if they are on uncomfortable chairs for long periods. When the crossed legs gesture is combined with crossed arms, the person has withdrawn from the conversation. The American Figure 4 Leg Lock Position This leg cross indicates that an argumentative or competitive attitude exists. It is the sitting position used by many American males who have a competitive nature. This being the case, it is difficult to interpret the attitude of an American during a conversation, but it is quite obvious when this gesture is used by a British citizen. The person who has a hard and fast attitude in an argument or debate will often lock the figur

Manchester City hit six at Watford as Liverpool are held by Burnley

7:38 PM WAT ESPN staff Sergio Aguero completed a hat trick as Manchester City produced a superb away performance to demolish Watford 6-0 at Vicarage Road and go top of the Premier League. City's high confidence showed from the off, with Kevin De Bruyne the star of the show as they piled pressure on their previously unbeaten hosts. The Belgium international played in Aguero, whose chip brushed the roof of the net -- and after Watford had come close through Richarlison, his free kick was headed in by Aguero with 27 minutes gone. City doubled their lead four minutes later when David Silva set up Aguero at the far post, and with half-time still to come they struck again when Aguero turned provider for Gabriel Jesus. Watford emerged with purpose after the break, Andre Carrillo curling an effort narrowly off target, but City got a fourth when De Bruyne crossed for Nicolas Otamendi to head home and soon made it five when Aguero completed his hat trick. And w

Arsene Wenger names his ideal back-three ahead of Chelsea showdown

George Bellshaw Saturday 16 Sep 2017 10:34 am Wenger has settled on a favoured defence (Picture: Getty) Arsene Wenger believes a back-three of Shkodran Mustafi, Laurent Koscielny and Nacho Monreal is the way forward this season, with the latter pair flanking the former at the heart of the Arsenal defence. The French tactician is preparing to lead his troops into battle against Chelsea at Stamford Bridge on Sunday and is set to stick with the 3-4-3 formation he’s deployed throughout the season. Wenger has used four different back-three combinations in the Premier League so far this season, with Rob Holding and Sead Kolasinac also getting game time, and Monreal has been the only ever present in his role. Monreal has started every match (Picture: AFP/Getty) Mustafi was praised by his manager (Picture: Getty) But the Arsenal boss seems to have settled on his favoured defence after the 3-0 win over Bournemouth and believes a Koscielny-Mustafi-Monreal combinati

Body Language :: Arm barriers gestures

Standard Arm Cross Gesture The standard arm-cross gesture is a universal gesture signifying the same defensive or negative attitude almost everywhere. It is commonly seen when a person is among strangers in public meetings, queues, cafeterias, elevators or anywhere that people feel uncertain or insecure. Reinforced Arm-Cross Gesture The full arm-cross gesture the person has clenched fists, it indicates a hostile and defensive attitude. The person using this gesture cluster has an attacking attitude, as opposed to the person. Arm Gripping Gesture A superior type can make his superiority felt in the presence of persons he has just met by not folding his arms, but take an arm-fold gesture with both thumbs pointing vertically upwards. This gesture is the defensive version of both arms being held horizontally in front of the body with both thumbs up to show that the user is 'cool'. Partial Arm-Cross Barrier Gestures The full arm-cross g

Body Language :: Hand to face gestures

The Mouth Guard The mouth guard is one of the few adult gestures that is as obvious as a child's. The hand covers the mouth and the thumb is pressed against the cheek as the brain sub-consciously instructs it to try and suppress the deceitful words that are being said. Sometimes this gesture may only be several fingers over the mouth or even a closed fist, but its meaning remains the same. Many people try to disguise the mouth guard gesture by giving a fake cough.If the person who is speaking uses this gesture, it indicates that he is telling a lie. If, however, he covers his mouth while you are speaking, it indicates that he feels you are lying! Nose Touching and Eye Rub The Nose Touch - In essence, the nose touch gesture is a sophisticated, disguised version of the mouth guard gesture. It may consist of several light rubs below the nose or it may be one quick, almost imperceptible touch. Like the mouth guard gesture, it can be used both by the spe

Body Language :: Palm gestures

Palm Gestures Submissive Palm Position - The palm facing up is used as a submissive, non-threatening gesture, reminiscent of the pleading gesture of a street beggar. The person being asked to move the box will not feel that the request is given with pressure and, in a normal superior/subordinate situation, will not feel threatened by the request. Dominant Palm Position - When the palm is turned to face downwards, you will have immediate authority. The person to whom you have directed the request feels that he has been given an order to remove the box and may feel antagonistic towards you, depending on your relationship with him. For example, if the person to whom you gave the request was a co-worker of equal status, he could reject your palm-down request and would be more likely to carry out your wish if you had used the palm-up position. If the person to whom you give the request is your subordinate, the palm-down gesture is acceptable, as you have the authority to

Body Language :: Territories and zones

Zone Distances The radius of the air bubble around suburban middle class white people living in Australia, New Zealand, England, North America and Canada is generally the same. It can be broken down into four distinct zone distances. Intimate Zone (between 15 and 45 centimetres or 6 to 18 inches) - Of all the zone distances, this is by far the most important as it is this zone that a person guards as if it were his own property. Only those who are emotionally close to that person are permitted to enter it. This includes lovers, parents, spouse, children, close friends and relatives. There is a sub-zone that extends up to 15 centimetres (6 inches) from the body that can be entered only during physical contact. This is the close intimate zone. Personal Zone (between 46 centimetres and 1.22 metres or 18 to 48 inches) - This is the distance that we stand from others at cocktail parties, office parties, social functions and friendly gatherings. Social Zone (between 1.

Body Language :: Basic understanding

Shoulder Shrug Gesture The shoulder shrug is also a good example of a universal gesture that is used to show that a person does not know or understand what you are talking about. It is a multiple gesture that has three main parts: exposed palms, hunched shoulders and raised brow. The Ring or 'OK' Gesture The 'OK' meaning is common to all English-speaking countries and it means "All correct". The Thumb-Up Gesture In Britain, Australia and New Zealand the thumb-up gesture has three meanings, it is commonly used by hitch-hikers who are thumbing a lift, it is an OK signal, and when the thumb is jerked sharply upwards it becomes an insult signal, meaning 'up yours' or 'sit on this'. In some countries, such as Greece, its main meaning is 'get stuffed'. Congruence (state of agreement) We often see a high ranking politician standing behind a lectern with his arms tightly folded across his chest (defensi